- Autoregressive Time Series Modeling and the Orthogonal Relation between Autocorrelation and its Inverse by N.P. Olewuezi.
Far East J. of Theo. Stat. Vol. 37, No. 2, (2011), 115-124. (INDIA).
- Estimation of the Outier Free and Outlier Contaminated Transfer
Function Models by N.P. Olewuezi.
Global Journal of Mathematical Sciences Vol. 7, No. 2, (2008), 131- 136. (NIGERIA)
- Some Basic Tests on Time Series Outliers by N.P. Olewuezi.
Journal of the Nig. Asso. of Maths. Phy. (JNAMP) Vol. 15, (Nov.2009), 101- 106 (NIGERIA).
- Autoregressive Time Series Modeling and the Orthogonal Relationship between Autocorrelation and its Inverse by N.P. Olewuezi.
Far East J. of Theo. Stat. Vol. 37, No. 2, (2011), 115-124. (INDIA).
- Spectral Analysis of Periodically behaving Biological Time Series
- Onoghojobi, N.P. Olewuezi and I.M. Okeke.
Far East J. of Theo. Stat. Vol 50, No 3, (2015), 181-190 (INDIA).
- A Comparative study of Different Outlier Detection Methods in Linear
Regression by N.P. Olewuezi, B. Onoghojobi and C.V. Udeoyibo.
Far E. J. of Theo. Stat. Vol 50, No 3, 2015, 171-179 (INDIA).
- Fuzzy Least Square Model Sensitivity to Outliers by B. Onoghojobi and N.P. Olewuezi.
Advances in Fuzzy sets and systems. Vol. 20, No 2, 2015, 133-154 INDIA). - Chi-Square Statistic as a Score Test Statistic by B. Onoghojobi and N.P. Olewuezi.
Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics. Vol 51, Nos 1-2, 2015, 1- 15 (INDIA). - Fuzzy Generic Linear Regression Model by B. Onoghojobi, N.P. Olewuezi and J.C. Akwukwaegbu.
Advances in Fuzzy Sets and Systems (AFSS) Vol 20, No. 1, (2015), 1-6. Pushpa Publishing House (INDIA). - Outlier detection in Univariate Time Series Data by N.P. Olewuezi,
- Onoghojobi and A.0., Aduobi.
Far East J. of Theoretical Statistics Vol 50, No. 2 (2015), 143-151.
- Maximum Likelihood Approach for Calculating Insurance Claims Reserve by B. Onoghojobi and N.P. Olewuezi.
Far East J. of Theo. Stat. Vol. 50, No. 2, (2015) 125-141 (|NDIA). - An Extension of Kalman Filter in Time Series by B. Ongghojobi and
P. Olewuezi.
Journal of Statistics and Management Systems Vol 18, No 5 (2015) 455-461 Taru Publications (INDIA).
- Geometric Programming in the Design of Standard Laboratory for Students Practical
Work by Amuji, H.O, Olewuezi, N.P.. Iwuji, JC. and Chijioke, LA.
World Scientific News. WSN 138(2) (2019) 285-294. - Sensitivity Analysis on the Negative Degree of Difficulty Geometric Programming
Problemn by Amuji, HO., Olewuezi, NP., Onwuegbuchunam, DE. and Igboanusi, C.
American Journal of Operation Research. 2020, 10.13-23. - Multicollinearity effect in Regression Analysis. A feed forward artificial neural network approach by CPObite,NPOlewuezi G.UUgwuanyim, D.CBartholomew.
Asian Journal of Probability and Statistics. 6(1). 22-33. 2020.