Prof. Benedicta Uchenna Dike

Prof. Benedicta Uchenna Dike


B.Eng, M.Eng, PhD


Benedicta Uchenna Dike was born in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. She is the Director of Public Procurement research Centre (1st July 2023to date), Deputy Director of Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standardsas well as a Professor of Civil Engineering at Federal University of Technology, Owerri. She is involved in Teaching, Research, Community Development and Consultancy Services in Procurement Management, Civil Engineering, Water Resources & Environmental Engineering. She has supervised several undergraduate and post-graduate theses. She has presented papers at local and international conferences and published research articles in revered journals.She has served in various committees and held various management positions in the university.

Benedicta has worked as a WASH consultant. She was the focal person for Department of Civil Engineering FUTO and the ISWSC- USAID Imo State E-WASH team meeting; Academia Representative for the Imo State E-WASH City Sanitation Task Force; Participant in the State Launch of sanitation Mapping in Imo State for Development of City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation Mapping and Quarterly Development Dialogue of the re-aligned WASH sector steering Committee; Consultant for Performance Improvement Action Plan  for Urban Water supply and Sanitation Sector in Imo State of the World Bank- SURWASH Programme.

She is a registered Civil Engineer and a member of several professional bodies including the Nigerian Society of Engineers Owerri Chapter, the Nigerian Institution of Civil Engineers (NICE) Owerri Chapter, Vice Chairman of Nigerian Institution of Water Engineers (NIWE) Imo Chapter and the Past Chairman of Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria Owerri.

She has served in different capacities as External Examiner to various universities,National Universities Commission and Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria’saccreditation representative.

She likes volunteering and is passionate about mentoring. She delivered several career in Engineering sessions with students in Secondary Schools within Owerri, Imo State. She volunteered at the 2013 Society of Women Engineers USA Conference for the K-12 event. She has served as Treasurer Umuozu Development Union Owerri Branch; Financial Secretary Umu-Bisike Women Family meeting. She is a Director of an NGO-Umuozu United Sisters advocating for the youths and widows with a mission is to inspire, motivate and empower disadvantaged persons.  She is married with children.

Academic Qualification

  • B.Eng (Civil Engineering) from ATBU Bauchi in 1997;
  • M.Eng (Water Resources Engineering) from FUT Owerri in 2001;
  • Ph.D (Water Resources & Environmental Engineering) from UNN in 2007;
  • Certificate in Faecal Sludge Management in 2018 from IHE Delft Institute for Water Education Netherlands.
  • Certificate in Where There is Little Data: How to Estimate Design Variables in Poorly Gauged Basins in 2016 from IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education Netherlands.
  • Certificate in Solid Waste Management in 2014 from IHE-Delft Institute for Water Education Netherlands.
  • Certificate in Understanding Effective Public Procurement in Practice in 2016 from Public Procurement Research Centre, FUTO.




  • Mobil Producing Nig. ULtd Scholarship
  • Grema Mustapha Memorial Scholarship (Ashaka Cement Plc)
  • Best Graduating Female in the University (1995/1996) – ATBU Bauchi



  • National Universities Commission(NUC)-World Bank Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards Project Grant
  • TETFUND-Production of Interlocking Tiles from Recycled Plastic Wastes Grant


  • Member- Nigerian Society of Engineers (MNSE)
  • Fellow- Nigerian Society of Engineers (FNIWE)
  • Member- Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN)
  • Member- Society of Women Engineers (SWE) USA
  • Registered Engineer-Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN)

Courses Assigned to Teach


Public Procurement Research Centre,

Federal University of Technology, Owerri (2023- Date)

Director, Procurement Management: Students and staff administration as well as teaching and Research Management.


Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Procurement, Environmental and Social Standards- supported by World Bank-NUC (2020-Date)

Deputy Director, Procurement Management: Assist the Centre Director in Student, staff, and Contract administration. Teaching and Research Management


Imo Water and Sewerage Corporation,

Imo State. (2018- 2022)

Consultant, Performance Improvement Action Plan (PIAP) document for   Imo State Water and Sewerage Corporation (World Bank funded SURWASH), Academia Representative: The Steering Committee for the preparation of Imo WASH Policy 2019, Member- Sanitation Task force & Media Advocacy Programme of the USAID Imo E-WASH programme


FUTO Press Ltd, F.U.T. Owerri, Imo State

(2019- 2022)


Managing Director: Production of textbooks, handbooks, manuals, posters, handbills e.t.c.

Department of Civil Engineering

Federal University of Technology Owerri (F.U.T.O), Imo State (2016-Date)


Professor of Civil Engineering: Teaching, Research and Community Development, Head of Department: Student and staff administration. Teaching and Research Management.


FUTO Consult Ltd, F.U.T, Owerri

Imo State (2016- 2019)


Managing Director: Consultancy services, contracts, construction, and trainings

Research Interest

  1. Public Procurement
  2. Water-Water Quality,
  3. Contaminant transport modeling,
  4. Solid Waste Management,
  5. Faecal Sludge Management,
  6. Hygiene and Sanitation.




Agori, J.E. Nwoke, H.U., Okoro, B.C., Dike, B.U. Spatio-Temporal Variation of Groundwater Quality of Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.8, Issue 8.



Agori, J. E., Nwoke, H. U., Okoro, B. C., Dike, B. U. Application of Correlation and Regression Models in Predicting the Physico-chemical Quality of Groundwater from Insitu Measured Parameters. European Journal of Engineering and Technology Research Vol. 6, No.6.



Eseha, E.A., Nwoke, H.U., Dike, B.U., Oba, J.   Selecting Best Water Source Using VIKOR Multicriteria Decision Tool (A Case Study of Ozoro Community, Delta State, Nigeria). International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.7, Issue 9.



Nwoke H.U, Dike B.U, Oba J. Biogas Generation from Varying Proportion of Water Hyacinth and Poultry Droppings. Journal of Inventive Engineering and Technology. Vol.1, Issue 5.



Agori J.E, Nwoke H.U, Dike B.U. Comparative Economic Assessment of Methane Gas and Liquefied Petroleum Gas (A Community Research Initiative for Patani, Delta State). International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.8, Issue 8.



Agori J.E, Nwoke H.U, Okoro B.C, Dike B.U. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Groundwater: Case Study of Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. Vol.8, Issue 8.



Ogbonna N.S. M, Nwoke H.U, Nwakwasi N.L, Dike B.U. Beneficial Assessment of Water Pricing for Community Water Supply in Nigeria Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Volume VIII, Issue III.



Nwachukwu A.N, Dike B.U, Njoku K.O, Ukachukwu O.C. Engineering Properties of crude oil contaminated clay soil in Niger Delta of Nigeria. International Journal of Innovation Engineering and Science Research. (IJIESR) ISSN: 2581-4591.  Vol 3, Issue 5, pp30-36.



Nestor H.E, Dike B.U, Osuagwu J.C, Agunwamba J.C.  Groundwater Risk Assessment in Terms of CTT in relation to Soakaway Lateral Separation in Owerri Urban, Nigeria. Nternational Journal of Engineering Science and Computing. (IJESC) Vol. 9, Issue No.10, pp23991-23994.



Osuagwu J.C., Dike B.U, Uzoukwu C.G, Nwakwasi N.L Synthetic Hydrographs for Runoff Computation in Otamiri River Catchment. Researchjournal’s Journal of Civil Engineering.



Nwakwasi, N.L., Okoro, B.C., Osuagwu, J.C., Dike, B.U., Nwachukwu, AN., Agunwamba, J.C. Modeling Soil Organic Carbon in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil in the Niger Delta. European Journal of Engineering Research and Science (EJERS) Vol. 4 No. 3, pp 93-96.


Nwakwasi, N.L., Okoro, B.C., Dike, B.U., Nwachukwu, AN., Agunwamba, J.C. Modeling of Soil Phosphorous Depletion in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil. IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN). Vol. 09, issue 1, pp 86-92. ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719.



Nwakwasi, N.L., Osuagwu, J.C., Dike, B.U., Agunwamba, J.C. Modelling Soil Ph fate in Crude Oil Contaminated Soil in Niger Delta. Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ), Vol. VI, Issue XI. ISSN 2201-2796.



Nwoke, H.U., Dike, B.U., Nwite, S.A., Nwakwasi, N.L. Relating Uprooting Resistance to Stem Basal Diameters of Plants for Erosion Mitigation. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 7, Issue 3, May–June 2016, pp. 129–135, Article ID: IJCIET_07_03_013.


Nwoke H.U, Dike B.U, Okoro B.C and Nwite S.A, Uprooting Resistance and     Morphological Traits of Plants Used in Erosion Mitigation. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET). Volume 7 Issue 3, pp. 104–110.


Ibearugbulem O.M, Dike B.U, Ezeh J.C, Agbo S.I. Analysis of C-F Short Cylindrical Shells under Internal Hydrostatic Pressure using Polynomial Series Shape Function. International Journal of Engineering and Techniques, Vol 1 (4) pp 91-95.


Agbo S.I, Dike B.U, Anyanwu T.U. Onyechere I.C., Analysis of S-S short cylindrical shells under Internal Hydrostatic Pressure Using Polynomial Series Shape Function. International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology. Vol 4(08), pp377-381.


 J.C Agunwamba, C.C. Dike, N.M Ogarekpe, B.U. Dike, Analysis of Sedimentation of Canals. International Journal of Development and Sustainability. Vol.2, No.1. Japan.


Dike B.U, Okoro B.C, Nwakwasi N.L, Agbo K.C, Remediation of Used Motor Engine Oil Contaminated Soil: A soil Washing Treatment Approach. Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Vol3, Issue1, pp1-3.


B.U.Dike, B.C. Okoro,  J.C. Agunwamba, Phosphate Transport Variation in sand column. International Journal of Water Resources &Environmental Engineering. Vol 5 (6).pp289-297. Kenya.


 Dike B.U, Okoro B.C., Nwakwasi N.L, Agunwamba J.C, Removal of Dry Cell Battery contaminants from Drinking Water using Quarry Waste. Journal of Engineering. Vol.6, No.2(2012)63-69. India.


 B.U.Dike, B.C. Okoro,  J.C Agunwamba, Analytical Model of 1-D Contaminant Transport in Layered Soils. IJWREM. Vol.3, No.2. pp 267-275.India.


E.U Onweremadu, C. Ehumadu, C.S Elemike, S.U Onwudike, B.U. Dike Geotechnical properties of Soils as Influenced by Land Use in a Humid Environment, Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment. 2(2):122-127. Dubai, U.A.E.


Dike B.U. The Impact of Industrial Activities on Aba River. The Heartland Engineer. Vol 4 No 2 pp 1-9.


Dike B.U. Coliform & Turbidity Removal using low-Cost Sand Filters. The Heartland Engineer. Vol 4 No 2 pp 1-9.


 Dike B.U., Modeling of Nitrate Sorption in Soils. IJARD Vol 12 No 1 pp106-111


 Dike B.U., Agunwamba J.C., Phosphate Sorption Models in Soils. Journal of Research in Agriculture Vol 6 No 3-pp 39-45


 Dike B.U, Ojiegbe R.U., Concentration and Time in relation to Sorption of Nitrates and Phosphates in Some Soils in South Eastern Nigeria. IJARD Vol 12 No 1 pp6-10


 Dike B. U, Agunwamba J.C, Modeling of 1-D Nitrate Transport in Single Layer Soils, Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems. 5(1),23-31.


 Agunwamba J.C, Dike B.U, Utsey J.T., The effects of Used Motor Oil on groundwater. International Journal of Environmental Studies.Vol1 No 4 pp 77-83 


 Dike B.U, Agunwamba J.C., Water Quality Index Assessment of Nwangele River, JSIS Vol 3, No 4 pp40-44


 Agunwamba J.C, Nwokorie O.C.A, Dike B.U., Prediction of Oil Spread in Aquatic Environment, NJERD Vol 3 No3 pp46-54


 Dike B. U, Nwachukwu B. A, Application of common probabilistic models in the analysis of Nigerian Hydro-meteorological Data, NIJO TECH, Vol. 22, No 1, pp. 29 – 38                                                                                       





Dike B.U and Arimanwa J.I. Sustainable Development of Water Supply in Nigeria. 25th COREN Assembly. Nigeria.(8th -10th,  August).



Awodiji C.T.G, Onwuka D.O, Awodiji O.O and Dike B.U. Investigation of the

Compressive Strength of Lime-Cement Concrete.  Nigerian Building and Road

Research Institute International Conference. (24th-26th May).



Njoku C.F and Dike B.U. Codes and Quality Control in Nigerian Construction Industry. 2016 Nigerian Building and Road Research Institute International Conference. (24th-26th May).



 R. A Uzoukwu, B.U. Dike, P.O. Okpako and J.I. Arimanwa, Application of Cost Optimization in Provision of Water Supply At Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.  2015 APWEN National Conference, at Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. (16th – 18th September).



B. C. Okoro, R. A. Uzoukwu, B. U. Dike, C. K. Ademe, J.I Arimanwa, Evaluation of Surface Water And Groundwater Sources of Potable Water in Owerri Municipal. 2015 APWEN National Conference, at Warri, Delta State, Nigeria. (16th-18th Sept).



Dike B.U. Women Engineers and Millennium Development Goals, 3rd APWEN National Conference Calabar, Nigeria. (2nd-4th October).



 Dike B.U and Agunwamba J.C, Nigerian First Degree in Civil Engineering: The “Option Problem” Pretoria, South Africa (September).



Dike B.U and Agunwamba J.C, Funding of Engineering Education. 2nd ARCEE conference, Lagos, Nigeria. (20-22nd September).



Ugwu F.I, Agunwamba J.C and Dike B.U, Prediction of pollutant movement in soils. NMGS conference Maiduguri, Nigeria soils (7 – 13th March). 



 Agnwamba J.C and Dike B.U, The effect of oily effluents from marine vessels on aquatic environment NAH conference Owerri, Nigeria (5–9thOctober).







J. I. Arimanwa and B.U.Dike. Solid Waste Management. HEARTLAND APWEN, Vol2, No2. Pp 32-33.



 B.U.Dike and J.I.Arimanwa. Technical Education: The Path to Industrialisation. HEARTLAND APWEN, Vol2, No2. Pp 28-29.



 Arimanwa J.I and Dike B.U. Littering and its Effects. FUTOWAVOICE. Vol4. No4, pp51—53.



 B.U. Dike, S.I Agbo, and G.A Chukwudebe. Engineering Graduates and Industry Expectations. FUTOWAVOICE. Vol4. No4, pp45—46.



 M. U. Akanbi, B. U. Dike and V. O. Ezeh. Waste to Wealth. FUTOWAVOICE. Vol 3. No3, pp33-36.



 Chukwudebe G. A, Dike B.U, Iwuchukwu U.C, Obioha O.F, and Atimati E.E. Women on the Move in Nigeria. FUTOWAVOICE Vol3. No.3, pp22-27.



 B.U. Dike and G.A. Chukwudebe. Encouraging Women Engineering Faculty. FUTOWA Voice. Vol 3.No 3, pp18-20.



 Dike B.U. Female Engineer: The Challenges, published by Heartland APWEN magazine,Vol 1, No 1 pp 21-23.






Dike B.U and Awodiji C. T. Waste Management- a paper presented at FUTO International Secondary School seminar. (November).



Dike B.U, Time and Stress Management-a paper presented at Re-Strategic Management Workshop for Top Management of Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria (28thFebruary- 1st March).



Dike B.U, Technical Education: A boast to Industrialization- a paper presented at workshop for Teachers in Technical Schools in Owerri, (26th November).



Dike B.U, Career in Engineering- a paper presented at Federal Government Girls College Owerri (2nd November)






Ezeh J.C, Nwoke H.U, Ezeh C.C, Okolo N.U, Ugoji A, Nwaigwe D, Dike B.U. Technical Report on the Collapsed 8-Story Building Under Construction at Umaru YAR’Adua Drive, Owerri, Imo State. NBRRI Report No.51.



Dike B.U, Optimal Use of Hydrological Data in Flood Control and Management. NIHSA National Stakeholders Workshop on 2013 Flood Outlook for Nigeria, Abuja, Nigeria. (23rd -26th April).



Otun J.A, Salami A.W, Ayayi J.O, Ohu J.O, Waheed A.A, Odoh B.I, Adewumi J.K and Dike B.U, Curriculum Development  for M.SC Course in Integrated Water Resources Management  (16thth-19th April).



Dike B.U. Laboratory Investigation of Soil at Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.



Dike B.U. Laboratory Investigation of Soil at Community Secondary School Umungasi,  Aba, Nigeria.



Dike B.U, Technical Presentation-a paper presented  at NSE Owerri Branch Compulsory Refresher Course for Engineers at Owerri, Nigeria.                                                                                                               



                                                   CHAPTER IN BOOKS


(1) Technical Report Writing in “Civil Engineering Practice and Entrepreneurship” edited by O. O. Ugwu and J. C. Agunwamba



Research/Publication Links

ORCID: 0000-0002-4142-3266

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