Prof. Ifeanyi Charles Okoli

Prof. Ifeanyi Charles Okoli


DVM., MSc., PhD


Ifeanyi Charles Okoli is a Professor of animal production and health at the Federal University of Technology Owerri (FUTO), Nigeria. He is the coordinator of the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) supported consortium on Nigerian Poultry Feeds Research and Development (NIPOFERD). He holds a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree from University of Ibadan, MSc. in Animal Production and PhD in Animal Management from the Federal University of Technology Owerri, Nigeria. He is a Science Technology Innovation (STI) facilitator, academic journals publisher, and tropical animal health and production consultant. He participated in the training course on Computer Application to the Analysis and Management of Natural Resources: GEOMATICS; organized by the United Nations University-Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA) at Yaounde, Cameroons from 18th August – 9th September 2005. He served as a United Nations Volunteer Veterinarian under the UNDP supervised USAID Multi Donor Project on HPAI control in Nigeria, at Bauchi and Gombe states, Nigeria, from August 1, 2007 to February 16, 2008. He was a visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture from June 2017 to May 2018.

Prof. Okoli’s current research interests are centered on sustainable natural resources management for animal and human benefits and researcher/industry knowledge exchange for the promotion of “best fit” good agricultural practices. He has made tremendous research inputs towards utilization of locally available natural resources such as browses, twigs/shrubs, biomass wastes, plant ashes, and biochar/activated charcoal among others in rural and intensive animal production systems. Through these research activities, he has published more than 235 scientific articles in high impact academic journals and his publications have received more than 3,986 citations, 31 h-index and 77 i10-index in Google Scholar and more than 135,000 reads on Research Gate by 7th May 2023. He has made several presentations at national and international scientific meetings. Prof Okoli has successfully graduated 16 PhD and 19 MSc students, and currently supervising seven M.Sc. and three PhD students.

Prof. Okoli served as the coordinator of departmental weekend program, chaired several committees both at school and departmental levels and had 14 years of industrial experience before joining FUTO in 1998. He belongs to several professional associations including the World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) and Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association (NVMA). He writes regularly on the ResearchTropica blog, an open-source information platform for communicating tropical research findings to non-science individuals.

Academic Qualification

PhD (2004)

MSc (1998)

DVM (1984)


  1. Served as a country consultant in the USD 86, 000 Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) commissioned, Africa wide, a study on “the impact of AGRA-trained personnel and capacity gap assessment of agricultural personnel in African countries”, in 2019.
  2. Grant Award of about N350, 000 by poultry industry partners to organize a workshop on “The science and technology of palm kernel cake utilization in animal production” from 7th to 8th December 2017 at Owerri, Nigeria.
  3. Grant Award of about USD 35, 000 by FARA to convene a NIPOFERD workshop on “Knowledge transfer towards cost-effective poultry feed production from processed cassava products to improve the productivity of small-scale farmers in Nigeria), from 27th July to 1st July 2016 at Asaba, Nigeria.
  4. Grant Award of USD 20,500 by FARA to convene the partnership inception workshop of NIPOFERD in April 2012.
  5. Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) research grant of N150,000 for investigation of the value of plant ash in animal production, in 2007.
  6. Research grant of N300, 000.00 awarded by the Federal University of Technology Owerri, (Senate Research Grant Number 4701078(11-757-4260) to enable me to undertake the study titled “Studies of Anti-Microbial Resistance Among Salmonella and Coliform Isolates from Commercial Feeds and Poultry Production Farms in Imo, Anambra and Abia States of South-eastern Nigeria” in 2003.
  7. Numerous travel grants by national and international organizations to enable me to participate in scientific meetings and events.


  • Member, Nigerian Poultry Feeds Research and Development
  • Member, Nigerian Veterinary Medical Association
  • Member, Nigerian Society for Animal Production
  • Member, World Poultry Society

Courses Assigned to Teach

AST 301: Introduction to tropical animal health

AST 308: Geographic information systems in agriculture

AST 501: Animal health and bio-security

AST 502: Swine production

AST 705: Animal health I

AST 704: Animal health II

AST 810: Advanced animal health

AST 833: Tropical animal disease management

AST 835: Livestock production system

AST 906: Recent advances in livestock production system

AST 911: Recent Advances in animal health management

AST 914: Developments in livestock housing and environmental control



Research Interest

Sustainable natural resources management for animal and human benefits and researcher/industry knowledge exchange for the promotion of “best fit” good agricultural practices


Last Five Years (2018 – 2023)



  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Ohanaka, J.N., Aladi, N.O., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, I.F. and Okoli, I.C. (2023). Potential of palm wine as probiotics and organic acid source in animal nutrition. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 18: 44 – 56.


  1. Okey, S.N., Okoli, I.C., Unigwe, C.R. and Okey, O.N. (2023). Value addition of agricultural waste (Pig dung) in producing activated carbon for use in veterinary medicine, agriculture and environmental remediation: A review. Global Research in Environmental Sustainability, 1(2): 76 – 92.


  1. Iyiola, V.O., Aladi, N.O., Okeudo, N.J., Achonwa, C.C., Ojinnaka, P.E. and Okoli, I.C. (2023). Proximate composition and microbial count of oven dried kilishi like jerkies made from different meat types. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science, 25(1): 193 –



  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Nwogu, C.M., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, I.F., Uchegbu, M.C. and Okoli, I.C. (2022). Growth performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed supplemental palm kernel shell ash. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 5(2): 28 – 39.


  1. Okey, S.N., Ogbu, C.C., Okoli, I.C., Okey, O.N., Akpa, C.A.N., Afolabi, K.D. and Udo, U.J. (2022).  Effect of dietary inclusion of agricultural waste-derived activated charcoal on hematological and serum biochemical indices of layer chickens. Asian Journal of Research in Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 10(4): 11.


  1. Okey, S.N., Ogbu, C.C., Akomas, S.C., Okoli, I.C., Okey, O.N. (2022). Physico-chemical properties of activated charcoal derived from a blend of agricultural waste materials. Journal of Sustainable Veterinary and Allied Sciences, 3(3): 1 – 7.


  1. Ukwu, C.P., Yahaya, A., Okere, P.C., Aladi, N.O., Odoemelam, V.U., Obikaonu, H.O., Uchegbu, M.C. and Okoli, I.C. (2022). The production, uses, nutritional and anti-nutritional characteristics of cocoyam as a potential feed ingredient in the tropics. A review. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science, 24(3): 91 – 111.


  1. Kadurumba, O.E., Iloeje, M.U., Ogundu, U.E., Okoli, I.C., Okoro, V.M.O. and Kadurumba, C. (2022). Characteristics of indigenous ducks and their production system in Nigeria. A review. Agricultural Review, DOI: 10.18805/ag.RF-238.



  1. Okoli, I.C. and Udedibie, A.B.I. (Editors) (2021). Cassava utilization in poultry feeding. Tapas Publishing Co., Owerri, Nigeria & Amazon Books (ASIN: BOBN9K211R). 623 pages.


  1. Udebuani, A.C., Ukachukwu, C.O., Onweremadu, E.U. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Plant –microbe interactions in bioremediation of toxic wastes in tropical environment.In: Kumar, V., Prasad, R., and Kumar, M. (eds.). Rhizobient in bioremediation of hazardous waste. Springier, Singapore. Pp:163 – 194.


  1. Aladi, N.O., Akpoliko, F.C., Ikpamezie, L.C., Omede, A.A., Emenalom, O.O., Okoli, I.C. and Okeudo, N.J. (2021). Solid-state fermentation improves the nutritive value of graded cassavaroots and palm kernel cake mix for growing pigs. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production, 48(6): 106 – 120.


  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Ukonu, E.C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, I.F. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Evaluation of the physic-chemical properties of agro-waste derived activated charcoal as potential feed additive in poultry production. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(1): 5711 – 5719.


  1. Aladi, N.O., Nwafor, E.J., Odoemelam, V.U., Emenalom, O.O., Okoli, I.C. and Okeudo, N.J. (2021). Performance, carcass and organoleptic scores of broiler chickens fed diets containing wet or sun dried fermented mixture of grated cassava roots and palm kernel cake as replacement for maize. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 53(2): 255.


  1. Nwogu, C.M, Nwogu, R.K., Etuk, I.F., Ogbuewu, I.P. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Low potassium palm bunch ash (LPPB) as possible source of organic minerals for poultry production. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(1): 5679 – 5681.


  1. Nwogu, C.M, nwogu, R.K., Etuk, I.F., Ogbuewu, I.P. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Hematology and serum biochemical indices of broilers fed diets with palm bunch ash. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(1): 5682 – 5685.


  1. Aladi, N.O., Ukosa, S.M., Ogbuewu, I.P., Okoli, I.C. and Okeudo, N.J. (2021). Weight gain and economy of production of weaner pigs fed diets containing fermented mixture of cassava root pulp and palm kernel cake as replacement for maize. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(2): 5859 – 5865.


  1. Edo, F.A., Ihejirika, C.E., Okoli, C.G., and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Sociocultural and environmental impact of pig farming on nearby residents in Imo state, Nigeria.  Nigerian Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 4(3): 93 – 104.


  1. Edo, F.A., Ihejirika, C.E., Okoli, C.G., and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Sociocultural and production practices of pig farmers in relation to waste generation and disposal challenges in Imo state, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(2): 6020 – 6030.


  1. Ukwu, C.P., Okoli, I.C., Obikaonu, H.O. and Uchegbu, M.C. (2021). Sociocultural, business structure and additive prescription characteristics of agro-service providers in southern Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(1): 5651 – 5658.


  1. Ukwu, C.P., Okoli, I.C., Obikaonu, H.O. and Uchegbu, M.C. (2021). Sociocultural characteristics and feed additive use habits of poultry farmers in southern Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 24(1): 5671 – 5678.


  1. Ogbuewu, I.P., Okoli, I.C. and Iloeje, M.U. (2021). Reproduction in poultry. Amazon Kindle, (ASIN: BO8VW7LR3). 114 pages.


  1. Okoli, I.C. (2021). The science and technology of palm kernel cake utilization in animal production. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany & Amazon Books. 208 pages.



  1. Unamba-Oparah, C. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). The relative status and focus of veterinary surgery research in Nigeria -An analysis using Nigerian veterinary journal publications. Journal of Veterinary and Applied Sciences, 10(2): 38 – 45.


  1. Ifeduba, A.V., Achonwa, C.C., Ukwu, C.P., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, E.B. and Okoli, I, C. (2020). Commercial intensive poultry production in tropical environments with particular reference to Nigerian poultry industry. World Rural Observation, 12(3): 67 – 84.


  1. Moreki, J.C., Moseki, M.I.,Malejane, C., Galekgathege, P., Kopano, T., Moreki, D.P. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). Sheep and goat production in Botswana: Trends, opportunities and future prospects- A review. International Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, 23(1): 5076 – 5084.



  1. Okafor, O.L., Okoro, V.M.O., Mbajiorgu, C.A., Okoli, I.C., Ogbuewu, I.P. and Ogundu, U.E. (2019). Influence of chicken growth hormone (cGH) SNP genotypes on morphometric and growth traits of three chicken breeds in Nigeria. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 1077 [1-7] DOI: 10.18805/ijar. B-1077.


  1. Okoli, C.G., Edo, F.A., Ogbuewu, I.P., Nwajiobi, I.J., Enemor, V.H.A. and Okoli, I.C. (2019). Biochemical values of pig dung collected from different locations in Imo State, South-eastern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 2(3): 470 – 476.


  1. Achonwa, C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Uchegbu, M.C. and Okoli, I.C. (2019). Physicochemical characteristics of Ficus microcarpa leaf meals harvested in Southeastern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 12(4): 682 – 692.


  1. Okoli, C., Olodi, W.B., Ogbuewu, I.P., Aladi, N.O. and Okoli, C.G. (2019). Nutrient composition of African palm grub (Rhynchophorus phoenicis) larvae harvested from raphia palm trunks in the Niger-delta swamps of Nigeria. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 12(2): 284 – 290.


  1. Okoli,C., Udedibie, C.O.I., Achonwa, C.C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Anyanwu, N.J. and Enemor, V.H.A.Physicochemical characterizations of leaf meals derived from tropical plants as possible nutraceuticals in animal production. Asian Journal of Biological Sciences, 12: 693 – 701.


  1. Ogbu, C.C., Ndifereke, S., Ogbu, N.N. and Okoli, I.C. (2019). Response of domestic chickens to fasting and non-fast moulting programmes in a humid tropical environment. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production,  46(2): 92 – 101.



  1. Chukwukaelo, A.K., Aladi, N.O., Okeudo, J., Obikaonu, H.O., Ogbuewu, I.P. and Okoli, I.C. (2018). Performance and meat quality characteristics of broiler fed fermented mixtures of graded cassava root and palm kernel cake as replacement for maize. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 50(3): 485-493.


  1. Kubkomawa, H.I., Adamu, S.M., Achonwa, C.C., Adewuyi, K.A. and Okoli, I.C. (2018). Beef production and marketing in Nigeria: Entrepreneurship in animal agriculture.International Journal of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, 3(2): 26-40.


  1. Okoli, C., Achonwa,C.C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Ezema, C., Mbajiorgu, C.A. and Emesowurum, M.C. (2018). Impact of on-farm feeding practices on the reproductive indices of pigs reared under educated smallholder system in Imo State, Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production,


  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Okoro,V.M.O., Etuk, F., Unamba-Oparah, I.C. and Okoli, I.C.  (2018). Effects of palm kernel shell ash as organic supplement on performance of broiler chicks.Indian Journal of Animal Research, 52(11): 1590 – 1596.



Conference Papers |Abstracts |Posters



  1. Okey, S.N., Ogbu, C.C., Unigwe, C.R., Okoli, I.C. and Okey, O.N. (2022). Effect of varying dietary levels of activated charcoal on hematological and serum biochemical indices of broiler chickens. Proceedings of 4th International Ankara Multidisciplinary Congress, July 29 – 31 2022, Ankara, Turkey. Pp: 1348 – 1356.


  1. Okey, S.N., Okoli, I.C. and Okey, O.N. (2022). Performance and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets supplemented with agricultural waste-derived activated charcoal. Proceedings of 8th International Black Sea Coastline Countries Scientific Research Conference, August 29 – 30 2022, Sofia, Bulgaria.


  1. Okoli, I.C., Moses, P.C., Giwa, A.L., Zanwa, A.I., Irefin, E.K., Ukwu, C.P. and Achonwa, C.C. (2022). Waste, environmental and disease management challenges in small-scale pig farms in eastern zone of Imo state, southeastern Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 321 – 324.


  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Okoli, I.C., Achonwa, C.C. and Ogbuewu, I.P. (2022) Effect activated charcoal aged palm wine sap additive supplementation on mineral uptake and liter quality inlaying hens. In: Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 1162 -1166.


  1. Eze, I.E., Achonwa, C.C., Etuk, I.F. and Okoli, I.C. (2022). Evaluation of trade cattle welfare management practices in the transport vehicles, and entransit in Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 401 – 404.


  1. Iyiola,V.O., Ejimadu, J.C., Aladi, N.O., Okoli, I.C. and Okeudo, N.J. (2022). Sensory characteristics and microbial profile of kilishi from different locations in Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 790 – 794.


  1. Odoemene, E.C., Giwa, L.A., Ukwu, P.C., Anyanwu, N.J. and Okoli, I.C. (2022). Diversity and proximate composition of the most prefered fodder plant at Aboh Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 1408 – 1412.


  1. Ukwu, P.C., Giwa, L.A., Obikaonu, H.O., Uchegbu, M.C. and Okoli, I.C. (2022). Yield, physical characteristics and mineral compositions of ash derived from empty palm bunch material. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 1449 – 1452.


  1. Ogbuewu, I.P., Ahiwe, E.U., Iwuji, T.C., Aladi, N.O., Etuk, I.F., Okoli, I.C. and Iloeje, M.U. (2022). Dose response effect of percentage neem leaf meal inclusion levelon spermatogenesis in rabbits.Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 47th Annual Conference, Jos, Nigeria. Pp: 535 – 538.



  1. Ukwu, P.C., Okoli, I.C., Obikaonu, H.O. and Uchegbu, M.C. (2021). Betaine supplementation of chemically analyzed ash-treated cocoyam leaf meas on early broiler chicken performance. Paper presented at the 4th Scientific Conference of African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (AU-ASRIC), Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Nwogu, C.M., Nwogu, R.K., Okpara, M., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, I.F. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Production of feed-grade ash from empty fruit palm bunch and evaluation of its growth performance effects in post-hatch broilers. Paper presented at the 4th Scientific Conference of African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (AU-ASRIC), Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Ohanaka, A.U.C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Etuk, I.F., Ekenyem, B.U. and Okoli, I.C. (2021). Development of an activated charcoal aged palm sap (ACAPS) feed additive and evaluation of its effects on laying performance and reproductive tract of laying hen. Paper presented at the 4th Scientific Conference of African Scientific Research and Innovation Council (AU-ASRIC), Nairobi, Kenya.


  1. Okoli, I.C. (2021). Antimicrobial resistance profiles of klebsiella isolates from different types of chickens in Imo state, Southeast Nigeria. Poster paper presented at the 26th World Poultry Congress, Paris, France.




  1. Okoli, I.C., Ogbuewu, I.P., Achonwa, C.C., Emenalom, O.O. and Esonu, B.O. (2020). Current research priorities and distribution of animal agriculture research (AAR) scientists in Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 587 – 590.


  1. Achonwa, C.C., Ohanaka, A.U.C., Chukwuka, N. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). The value of mineral zinc in animal physiological functions. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 31 – 34.


  1. Moses, P.C., Okoli, I.C., Achonwa, C.C., Ohanaka, A.U.C. and Omede, A.A. (2020). Socio-cultural characteristics of smallholder pig farmers and feed ingredient use approaches at peri-urban and rural farming locations in Imo state, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 1282 – 1286.


  1. Ukwu, C.P., Odoemelam, U.V., Obikaonu, H.O., Uchegbu, M. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). Current intensive poultry production situation in the hot humid tropical environment of southern Nigeria. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 751 – 754.


  1. Eze, I.E., Nwokeocha, C.C., Achonwa, C.C., Ukwu, C.P., Etuk, I.F. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). The concept of animal welfare and its current situation in trade cattle management in Nigeria: An overview. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 423 – 426.


  1. Okey, S., Ohanaka, A.U.C., Okafor, B.B., Ogbu, C.C., Akomas, S.C. and Okoli, I.C. (2020). Effect of activated charcoal on different aspects of poultry performance. A review. Proceedings of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 45th Annual Conference, Bauchi, Nigeria. Pp: 415 – 418..



  1. Okoli, I.C.,Aladi, N.O., Anyanwu, N.J., Nwakwasi, R.N., Benchendo, G.N., Osuji, M.N., Achonwa C.C. and Chukwuka, N.J. (2019). Linking agriculture nutrition and health: Perspectives for enhanced African and Livestock researcher’s participation. Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 44th Annual Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. Pp: 43-47.


  1. Emenalon, O.O., Etuk, E.B., Okoli, I.C.,Aladi, N.O., Okehie, U.N. and Njemanze, O.I. (2019). Proximate composition and feeding value of ensiled blend of cassava root meal and wet brewers grain in starter broiler diets. Nigerian Society for Animal Production, 44th Annual Conference, Abuja, Nigeria.


  1. Chukwuka, C. Achonwa, N. Aladi and I. Okoliand N. Okeudo (2019). Effect of different dietary energy levels on blood lipid profile and meat quality of broilersProceedings of Pan African Poultry Conference May 14th to16th, 2019, Lome, Togo. Pp: 31 -32.


  1. Achonwa, C. Nwokeocha, C. Nwogu and I. Okoli(2019). Current poultry research focus and priorities in African. Proceedings of pan African Poultry Conference May 14th to16th, 2019, Lome, Togo. Pp: 42-43.



  1. E. Okata, A.U.C. Ohanaka, U. Uzohuo, E.C. Ogundu, M.C. Uchegbu and I.C. Okoli(2018). Dry matter and crude protein values of selected feedstuffs used in the livestock industry in Nigerian. Proc. 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp: 1169-1172.


  1. Vivian O. Iyiola, A.U.C. Ohanaka, C.C. Achonwa, C. Okoliand N.J. Okeudo (2018).  Effects of plantain peels and oil palm bunch ash treatment on the physicochemical quality of beef. Proc. 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp: 818-820.


  1. A. Edo, L.C. Odigbo, C.G. Okoli and I.C. Okoli(2018). Biochemical compositions of rumen content fractions from slaughter cattle in north-central Nigeria. Proc. 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp: 1295-1297.


  1. C. Achonwa, E. Obichiri, I.H. Kubkomawa, I.C. Okoliand M.C. Uchegbu (2018). Issues associated with the existence of Ficus microcarpa in compound farms and bushes at Nnobi, Southeastern Nigeria. Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp: 7989-792.


  1. C. Okoli,N.O. Aladi, C.E. Chinweze, T. Kiendrebeogo and A.B.I. Udedibie (2018).  Innovations in the cassava value chain that enhances the productivity of cassava farmers and small-scale poultry producers in Nigeria and Burkina Faso. Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp:  1356-1357.


  1. U.C. Ohanaka, C.M. Nwogu, U.E. Okata, I.F. Etuk, V.M.O Okoro and I.C. Okoli(2018). Mineral uptake of broiler chicken fed palm kernel shell ash as a mineral supplement in finisher ration. Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, March 18th – 22nd 2018, FUT Owerri, Nigeria. Pp:  1518-1521.


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